Qin Zhihao

PhD, Professor in remote sensing

International Institute for Earth System Sciences

Nanjing University

Nanjing 210093, China

E-mail: qinzh@nju.edu.cn, qinzh@caas.net.cn

Phone: 0086-10-80978495, 10-62130259

Cell Phone: 0086-13521350214


PhD, 2001, Dept. of Geography and Environmental Development, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel. Major in remote sensing. Dissertation title: A study of temperature change on both sides of the Israel-Egypt Border: Remote sensing analysis and micrometeorological modeling.


Research Interests

Thermal remote sensing and algorithm development,

Land surface temperature and water temperature monitoring;

Remote sensing and GIS applications to agriculture;

Ecosystem and watershed modelling;

GIS modelling and pesticide analysis;

Geodatabase mining and SQL programming


Click here for full CV. Word DOC format.