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PUR Citations, | 2017, | 2016, | 2015, | 2014, | 2013, | 2012, | 2011, | 2010, | 2009, | 2008, | 2007, | 2006, | |
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Bibliography of studies citing the Pesticide Use Reports data. 2017 Edition
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Modeling pesticide diuron loading from the San Joaquin watershed into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta using SWAT
Chen, H., Y. Luo, C. Potter, P.J. Moran, M.L. Grieneisen and M. Zhang (2017). Water Research 121: 374-385
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Numerical simulation of agricultural sediment and pesticide runoff: RZWQM and PRZM comparison
Chen, H., X. Zhang, C. Demars and M. Zhang (2017). Hydrological Processes 1-13
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Spatiotemporal prediction of continuous daily PM2.5 concentrations across China using a spatially explicit machine learning algorithm
Zhan, Y., Y. Luo, X. Deng, H. Chen, M.L. Grieneisen, X. Shen, L. Zhu and M. Zhang (2017). Atmos. Environ. 155: 129-139
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Prediction of dissolved oxygen concentration in hypoxic river systems using support vector machine: a case study of Wen-Rui Tang River, China
Ji, X., X. Shang, R.A. Dahlgren, M. Zhang (2017). Environmental Science and Pollution Research
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Water quality trend and change-point analyses using integration of locally weighted polynomial regression and segmented regression
Huang, Hong, Zhenfeng Wang, Fang Xia, Xu Shang, YuanYuan Liu, Minghua Zhang, Randy A. Dahlgren, Kun Mei (2017) Environmental Science and Pollution Research
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Predicting pesticide removal efficacy of vegetated filter strips: A meta-regression analysis
Chen, H., M. Grieneisen, and M. Zhang (2016). Sci. Total Environ. 548–549: 122-130
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Spatial interpolation of river channel topography using the shortest temporal distance
Zhang, Y., C. Xian, H. Chen, M.L. Grieneisen, J. Liu and M. Zhang (2016). J. Hydrol. 542: 450-462
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Comparison of seven water quality assessment methods for the characterization and management of highly impaired river systems
Ji, X., R.A. Dahlgren and M. Zhang (2016). Environ. Monit. Assess. 188: Article 15
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Impacts of land use and population density on seasonal surface water quality using a modified geographically weighted regression
Chen, Q., K. Mei, R.A. Dahlgren, T. Wang, J. Gong and M. Zhang (2016). Sci. Total Environ. 572: 450-466
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Agricultural pesticide use and food safety: California’s model
Zhang, M., M. Zeiss, S. Geng (2015). J. Integr. Agr. 14: 2340-2357
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Reduction of crop diversity does not drive insecticide use
Yang, W., M. Grieneisen, H. Chen, and M. Zhang (2015). J. Agr. Sci. 7: 1-16
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Investigation of the probability of concurrent drought events between the water source and destination regions of China’s water diversion project
Liu, X., Y. Luo, T. Yang, K. Liang, M. Zhang and C. Liu (2015). Geophys. Res. Lett. 42: 8424–8431
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Innovative approach for the development of a water quality identification index—A case study from the Wen-Rui Tang River watershed, China
Ma, X., X. Shang, L. Wang, R.A. Dahlgren and M. Zhang (2015). Desalination Water Treat 55(5): 1400-1410
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Response of discharge, TSS, and E. coli to rainfall events in urban, suburban, and rural watersheds
Chen, H. and H. Chang (2014). Environ. Sci. Process Impacts 16: 2313-2324
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The Use of Soil Taxonomy as a Soil Type Identifier for the Shasta Lake Watershed Using SWAT
Ficklin, L., Y. Luo, M. Zhang, and S. E. Gatzke (2014). Transactions of the ASABE 57(3): 717-728
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The Impact of Integrated Pest Management Programs on Pesticide Use in California, USA
Epstein, L. and M. Zhang (2014). Integrated Pest Management, 173-200
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Biodiversity, Taxonomic Infrastructure, International Collaboration, and New Species Discovery
Grieneisen, M. L., Y. Zhan, D. Potter, and M. Zhang (2014). BioScience, 64:322-332
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Modelling the effect of pyrethroid use intensity on mite population density for walnuts
Zhan, Y., S. Fan, M. Zhang, and F. Zalom (2014). Pest Management Science 71: 159-164
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Spatial and temporal patterns of pesticide use on California almonds and associated risks to the surrounding environment
Zhan, Y. and M. Zhang (2014). Science of the Total Environment, 472:517-529
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Quantitative Evaluations of Sustainable Development and Eco-Environmental Carrying Capacity in Water-Deficient Regions: A Case Study in the Haihe River Basin, China
Wang, Zhonggen, Yuzhou Luo, Minghua Zhang, Jun Xia. (2014). Journal Integrative Agriculture 13:195-206
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Evaluation of spatial-temporal variations and trends in surface water quality across a rural-suburban-urban interface
Mei, K., L. Liao, Y. Zhu, P. Lu, Z. Wang, R.A. Dahlgren and M. Zhang (2014). Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 21: 8036-8051
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A spatial and sociopolitical analysis of global new species discovery, and the role of international collaboration
Michael L. Grieneisen, Yu Zhan, Daniel Potter, Minghua Zhang (2014). Bioscience 64: 322-332
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Development and validation of a basin scale model PCPF-1@SWAT for simulating fate and transport of rice pesticides
Julien Boulange, Hirozumi Watanabe, Keiya Inao, Takashi Iwafune, Minghua Zhang, Yuzhou Luo, Jeff Arnold (2014). Journal of Hydrology 517: 146-156
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Assessment of climate change impacts on hydrology and water quality with a watershed modeling approach
Luo, Y., Ficklin, D.L., Liu, X., Zhang, M. (2013). Science of the Total Environment 450-451:72-82
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A Comparison of the Curve Number and Green-Ampt Models in an Agricultural Watershed
Ficklin, D.L., Zhang, M. (2013). Transactions of the ASABE 56(1):61-69
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The Development of a Geographic Information System (GIS) database for Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve and Its Application
Di, Baofeng, Zhang, Kaishan, Tang, Ya, Zhang, Minghua, Ustin, Susan L. (2013). Journal of Mountain Science 10:398-409
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Watershed modelling of hydrology and water quality in the Sacramento River watershed, California
Ficklin, D.L., Luo, Y., Zhang, M. (2013). Hydrological Processes, 27 (2), 236-250
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Basin-scale and travertine dam-scale controls on fluvial travertine, Jiuzhaigou, southwestern China
Florsheim, J.L., Ustin, S.L., Tang, Y., Di, B., Huang, C., Qiao, X., Peng, H., Zhang, M., Cai, Y. (2013). Geomorphology, 180-181 (0), 267-280
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Identifying the cause of sediment toxicity in agricultural sediments: The role of pyrethroids and nine seldom-measured hydrophobic pesticides
Weston, D.P., Ding, Y., Zhang, M., Lydy, M.J. (2013). Chemosphere, 90 (3), 958-964
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Spatial distribution and source apportionment of water pollution in different administrative zones of Wen-Rui-Tang (WRT) river watershed, China
Yang, Liping, Mei, Kun, Liu, Xingmei, Wu, Laosheng, Zhang, Minghua, Xu, Jianming, and Wang, Fan (2013). Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20:5341-5352
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Application of a combined sensitivity analysis approach on a pesticide environmental risk indicator
Zhan, Y., and M. Zhang (2013). Environmental Modelling & Software, 49:129-140
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Sulfur management and miticide use in winegrapes grown in California
Zhang, Minghua, Campos, J., Zhan, Y., & Grieneisen, M. L. (2013). Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 28 (1), 32-42.
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Watershed modeling of surface water-groundwater interaction under projected climate change and water management in the Haihe River basin, China
Zhonggen Wang, Yuzhou Luo, Xinjun Zhu, Rui Wang, Wei Li, Minghua Zhang (2013). British Journal of Environment and Climate Change Page, 421-443.
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Predicted transport of pyrethroid insecticides from an urban landscape to surface water
Brant Jorgenson, Larry Brown, Erica Fleishman, Kate Macneale, Daniel Schlenk, Nat Scholz, Julann Spromberg, Inge Werner, Don Weston, Thomas M. Young, Minghua Zhang, Qingfu Zhao (2013). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 32:2469-2477.
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Climate change sensitivity assessment of streamflow and agricultural pollutant transport in California's Central Valley using Latin hypercube sampling
Ficklin, D.L., Luo, Y., Zhang, M. (2012). Hydrological Processes 27(18): 2666-2675
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A Comprehensive Survey of Retracted Articles from the Scholarly Literature
Grieneisen, M.L., Zhang, M. (2012). Plos One, 7 (10), e44118
Link PDF The ongoing proliferation of nano journals
Grieneisen, M. L., & Zhang, M. (2012). Nature Nanotechnology, 7 (5), 273-274
Link PDFEffect of water-flow on nutrient mitigation from surface water in drainage ditches
Huang, S.H., Liu, H.Q., Yan, Z.J., Sun, H.L., Zhang, M.H., Dahlgren, R.A., Wang, X.D. (2012).Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment, 10 (1), 650-655
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Monitoring and modeling dissolved oxygen dynamics through continuous longitudinal sampling: a case study in Wen-Rui Tang River, Wenzhou, China
Li, J., Liu, H., Li, Y., Mei, K., Dahlgren, R., Zhang, M. (2012). Hydrological Processes 27(24): 3502-3510
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Dramatic decrease in streamflow from the headwater source in the central route of China's water diversion project: Climatic variation or human influence?
Liu, X., Liu, C., Luo, Y., Zhang, M., Xia, J. (2012). Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 117 (D6)
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Almond organophosphate and pyrethroid use in the San Joaquin Valley and their associated environmental risk
Liu, X., Zhan, Y., Luo, Y., Zhang, M., Geng, S., Xu, J. (2012). Journal of Soils and Sediments, 12 (7), 1066-1078
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Approaches of soil data aggregation for hydrologic simulations
Luo, Y., Ficklin, D.L., Zhang, M. (2012). Journal of Hydrology, 464-465 (0), 467-476
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Impact of climate change on streamflow in the arid Shiyang River Basin of northwest China
Wang, Z., Ficklin, D.L., Zhang, Y., Zhang, M. (2012). Hydrological Processes, 26 (18), 2733-2744
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PURE: A web-based decision support system to evaluate pesticide environmental risk for sustainable pest management practices in California
Zhan, Y., Zhang, M. (2012). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 82 (1), 104-113
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The impact of misconduct on the published medical and non-medical literature, and the news media
Zhang, M., Grieneisen, M. (2012). Scientometrics 96: 573-587.
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Analysis of the Metabolic Utilization of Carbon Sources and Potential Functional Diversity of the Bacterial Community in Lab-Scale Horizontal Subsurface-Flow Constructed Wetlands
Deng, H., Ge, L., Xu, T., Zhang, M., Wang, X., Zhang, Y., & Peng, H. (2011). Journal of Environment Quality, 40(6), 1730.
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Aggregation Strategies for SSURGO Data: Effects on SWAT Soil Inputs and Hydrologic Outputs
Gatzke, S. E., Beaudette, D. E., Ficklin, D. L., Luo, Y., O'Geen, A. T., & Zhang, M. (2011). Soil Science Society of America Journal, 75(5), 1908.
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Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Evolving Definitions and Growing Footprint on the Scientific Landscape
Grieneisen, M. L., & Zhang, M. (2011). Small, 7(20), 2836-2839.
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The current status of climate change research
Grieneisen, M. L., & Zhang, M. (2011). Nature Climate Change, 1(2), 72-73.
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An index method to evaluate growers' pesticide use for identifying on-farm innovations and effective alternative pest management strategies: a case study of winegrape in Madera County, California
Li, W., Qin, Z., Zhang, M., & Browde, J. (2011). Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B, 12(3), 226-246.
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Recent changes in pan-evaporation dynamics in China
Liu, Xiaomang, Luo, Y., Zhang, D., Zhang, M., & Liu, C. (2011). Geophys. Res. Lett., 38(13), L13404.
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Identification of dominant climate factor for pan evaporation trend in the Tibetan Plateau
Liu, Xiaomang, Zheng, H., Zhang, M., & Liu, C. (2011). Journal of Geographical Sciences, 21(4), 594-608.
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Climate change effects on walnut pests in California
Luedeling, E., Steinmann, K. P., Zhang, M., Brown, P. H., Grant, J., & Girvetz, E. H. (2011). Global Change Biology, 17(1), 228-238.
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Environmental Modeling and Exposure Assessment of Sediment-Associated Pyrethroids in an Agricultural Watershed
Luo, Y., & Zhang, M. (2011). (S. J. Johnson, Ed.)PLoS ONE, 6(1), e15794.
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Optimizing water quality monitoring networks using continuous longitudinal monitoring data: a case study of Wen-Rui Tang River, Wenzhou, China
Mei, K., Zhu, Y., Liao, L., Dahlgren, R., Shang, X., & Zhang, M. (2011). Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13(10), 2755.
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Does use of Pesticides Known to Harm Natural Enemies of Spider Mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) Result in Increased Number of Miticide Applications? An Examination of California Walnut Orchards
Steinmann, K. P., Zhang, M., & Grant, J. A. (2011). Journal of Economic Entomology, 104(5), 1496-1501.
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Spatial and temporal variations of precipitation in Haihe River Basin, China: six decades of measurements
Wang, Z., Luo, Y., Liu, C., Xia, J., & Zhang, M. (2011). Hydrological Processes, 25(18), 2916-2923.
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Nonpoint Source Pollution, Environmental Quality, and Ecosystem Health in China: Introduction to the Special Section
Zhang, Minghua, & Xu, J. (2011). Journal of Environment Quality, 40(6), 1685.
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Modeling effectiveness of agricultural BMPs to reduce sediment load and organophosphate pesticides in surface runoff
Zhang, X., & Zhang, M. (2011). Science of The Total Environment, 409(10), 1949-1958.
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Climate Change Effects on Walnut Pests in California
Luedeling, E., Steinmann, K., Zhang, M., Brown, P., Grant, J., Girvetz, E. (2010). Global Change Biology, 17(1), 228-238.
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Quantifying the spatial distribution of soil mass wasting processes after the 2008 earthquake in Wenchuan, China
Di, B., Zeng, H., Zhang, M., Ustin, S. L., Tang, Y., Wang, Z., Chen, N., et al. (2010). Remote Sensing of Environment, 114(4), 761-771.
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Pyrethroid insecticide concentrations and toxicity in streambed sediments and loads in surface waters of the San Joaquin Valley, California, USA
Domagalski, J. L., Weston, D. P., Zhang, M., & Hladik, M. (2010). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29(4), 813-823.
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Sensitivity of groundwater recharge under irrigated agriculture to changes in climate, CO2 concentrations and canopy structure
Ficklin, D. L., Luedeling, E., & Zhang, M. (2010). Agricultural Water Management, 97(7), 1039-1050.
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Sensitivity of agricultural runoff loads to rising levels of CO2 and climate change in the San Joaquin Valley watershed of California
Ficklin, D. L., Luo, Y., Luedeling, E., Gatzke, S. E., & Zhang, M. (2010). Environmental Pollution, 158(1), 223-234.
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The proliferation of nano journals
Grieneisen, M. L. (2010). Nature Nanotechnology, 5(12), 825-825.
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Spatial and temporal variations of nitrogen pollution in Wen-Rui Tang River watershed, Zhejiang, China
Lu, P., Mei, K., Zhang, Y., Liao, L., Long, B., Dahlgren, R. A., & Zhang, M. (2010). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 180(1-4), 501-520.
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Spatially distributed pesticide exposure assessment in the Central Valley, California, USA
Luo, Y., & Zhang, M. (2010). Environmental Pollution, 158(5), 1629-1637.
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Quantifying economic and environmental tradeoffs of walnut arthropod pest management
Steinmann, K. P., Zhang, M., Grant, J. A., Pickel, C., Goodhue, R. E., & Klonsky, K. (2010). Agricultural Systems, 103(5), 294-306.
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N-terminal PH domain and C-terminal auto-inhibitory region of CKIP-1 coordinate to determine its nucleus-plasma membrane shuttling
Xi, S., Tie, Y., Lu, K., Zhang, M., Yin, X., Chen, J., Xing, G., et al. (2010). FEBS Letters, 584(6), 1223-1230.
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A Review of Vegetated Buffers and a Meta-analysis of Their Mitigation Efficacy in Reducing Nonpoint Source Pollution
Zhang, X., Liu, X., Zhang, M., Dahlgren, R. A., & Eitzel, M. (2010). Journal of Environment Quality, 39(1), 76.
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Water quantity and quality optimization modeling of dams operation based on SWAT in Wenyu River Catchment, China
Zhang, Y., Xia, J., Chen, J., & Zhang, M. (2010). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 173(1-4), 409-430.
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Climate change sensitivity assessment of a highly agricultural watershed using SWAT
Ficklin, D. L., Luo, Y., Luedeling, E., & Zhang, M. (2009). Journal of Hydrology, 374(1-2), 16-29.
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Spatio-temporal variations of soil nutrients influenced by an altered land tenure system in China
Liu, Xingmei, Zhang, W., Zhang, M., Ficklin, D. L., & Wang, F. (2009). Geoderma, 152(1-2), 23-34.
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Remote sensing of spider mite damage in California peach orchards
Luedeling, E., Hale, A., Zhang, M., Bentley, W. J., & Dharmasri, L. C. (2009). International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 11(4), 244-255.
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Climatic Changes Lead to Declining Winter Chill for Fruit and Nut Trees in California during 1950-2099
Luedeling, E., Zhang, M., & Girvetz, E. H. (2009). (S. P. Hazen, Ed.)PLoS ONE, 4(7), e6166.
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Sensitivity of winter chill models for fruit and nut trees to climatic changes expected in California's Central Valley
Luedeling, E., Zhang, M., Luedeling, V., & Girvetz, E. H. (2009). Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 133(1-2), 23-31.
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Validation of winter chill models using historic records of walnut phenology
Luedeling, E., Zhang, M., McGranahan, G., & Leslie, C. (2009). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149(11), 1854-1864.
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Management-oriented sensitivity analysis for pesticide transport in watershed-scale water quality modeling using SWAT
Luo, Y., & Zhang, M. (2009a). Environmental Pollution, 157(12), 3370-3378.
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Multimedia transport and risk assessment of organophosphate pesticides and a case study in the northern San Joaquin Valley of California
Luo, Y., & Zhang, M. (2009b). Chemosphere, 75(7), 969-978.
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A Geo-Referenced Modeling Environment for Ecosystem Risk Assessment: Organophosphate Pesticides in an Agriculturally Dominated Watershed
Luo, Y., & Zhang, M. (2009c). Journal of Environment Quality, 38(2), 664.
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Influence of bovine manure on dissipation of hexazinone in soil
Wang, H., Li, Y., Lu, Y., Huang, C., Zhang, M., & Wang, X. (2009). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72(1), 93-98.
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Major Factors Influencing the Efficacy of Vegetated Buffers on Sediment Trapping: A Review and Analysis
Liu, Xingmei, Zhang, X., & Zhang, M. (2008). Journal of Environment Quality, 37(5), 1667.
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Dynamic modeling of organophosphate pesticide load in surface water in the northern San Joaquin Valley watershed of California
Luo, Y., Zhang, X., Liu, X., Ficklin, D., & Zhang, M. (2008). Environmental Pollution, 156(3), 1171-1181.
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Pheromone-based pest management can be cost-effective for walnut growers
Steinmann, K. P., Zhang, M., Grant, J. A., Pickel, C., & Goodhue, R. E. (2008). California Agriculture, 62(3), 105-110.
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Identifying the cause and source of sediment toxicity in an agriculture-influenced creek
Weston, D. P., Zhang, M., & Lydy, M. J. (2008). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27(4), 953.
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Evaluation of water quality in an agricultural watershed as affected by almond pest management practices
Zhang, X., Liu, X., Luo, Y., & Zhang, M. (2008). Water Research, 42(14), 3685-3696.
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Spatial variability of soil available Zn and Cu in paddy rice fields of China
Liu, Xingmei, Xu, J., Zhang, M., Si, B., & Zhao, K. (2007). Environmental Geology, 55(7), 1569-1576.
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Spatial variability of soil organic matter and nutrients in paddy fields at various scales in southeast China
Liu, Xingmei, Zhao, K., Xu, J., Zhang, M., Si, B., & Wang, F. (2007). Environmental Geology, 53(5), 1139-1147.
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Mining pesticide use data to identify best management practices
Oakley, E., Zhang, M., & Miller, P. R. (2007). Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 22(04).
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Assessing the impact of leather industries on the quality of water discharged into the East China Sea from Wenzhou Watersheds
Zhang, Mingqin, & Zhang, M. (2007). Journal of Environmental Management, 85(2), 393-403.
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Identification of hotspots for potential pyrethroid runoff: a GIS modeling study in San Joaquin River Watershed of California, USA
Zhang, X., Zhang, M., & Liu, X. (2007). Environmental Geology, 55(6), 1195-1206.
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Assessing the Impact of Leather Industry to Water Quality in the Aojing Watershed in Zhejiang Province, China
Zhang, Mingqin, & Zhang, M. (2006). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 115(1-3), 321-333.
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Detection of rice sheath blight for in-season disease management using multispectral remote sensing
Qin, Zhihao, & Zhang, M. (2005). International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 7(2), 115-128.
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Remote Sensed Spectral Imagery to Detect Late Blight in Field Tomatoes
Zhang, Minghua, Qin, Z., & Liu, X. (2005). Precision Agriculture, 6(6), 489-508.
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Assessing dormant season organophosphate use in California almonds
Zhang, Minghua, Wilhoit, L., & Geiger, C. (2005). Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 105(1-2), 41-58.
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Estimating the essential atmospheric parameters of mono-window algorithm for land surface temperature retrieval from Landsat TM6
Qin, Zhihao, Li, W., Zhang, M., Karnieli, A., & Berliner, P. (2003). Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 56(2), 37-43.
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Detection of stress in tomatoes induced by late blight disease in California, USA, using hyperspectral remote sensing
Zhang, Minghua, Qin, Z., Liu, X., & Ustin, S. L. (2003). International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 4(4), 295-310.
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Potassium release rates from ustisols and their application
Lu, X., Zhang, M., & Xu, J. (2002). Plant and Soil, 246(1), 23-29.
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Spectral discrimination of Phytophthora infestans infection on tomatoes based on principal component and cluster analyses
Zhang, M., Liu, X., & O'Neill, M. (2002). International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(6), 1095-1107.
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A Sustainable Agro-ecological Solution to Water Shortage in the North China Plain (Huabei Plain)
Geng, S., Zhou, Y., Zhang, M., & Smallwood, K. S. (2001). Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 44(3), 345-355.
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Probabilistic risk assessment of cotton pyrethroids: III. A spatial analysis of the Mississippi, USA, cotton landscape
Hendley, P., Holmes, C., Kay, S., Maund, S. J., Travis, K. Z., & Zhang, M. (2001). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry / SETAC, 20(3), 669-678.
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A mono-window algorithm for retrieving land surface temperature from Landsat TM data and its application to the Israel-Egypt border region
Qin, Z., Karnieli, A., & Berliner, P. (2001). International Journal of Remote Sensing, 22(18), 3719-3746.
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Split window algorithms for retrieving land surface temperature from NOAA-AVHRR data
Qin, Zhihao, Zhang, M., & Karnieli, A. (2001). Remote Sensing for Land and Resources, 48(2), 33-42.
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Mono-window for retrieving land surface temperature from Landsat TM6 data
Qin, Zhihao, Zhang, M., Karnieli, A., & Berliner, P. (2001). Journal of Geographical Science, 56, 456-466.
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Comparing pocket gopher (Thomomys bottae) density in alfalfa stands to assess management and conservation goals in northern California
Smallwood, K. S., Geng, S., & Zhang, M. (2001). Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 87(1), 93-109.
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A GIS-based dynamic optimizing model in land use system with disturbance
Zhang, Q., & Zhang, M. (2001). Journal of Anhui Agricultural University, 28(3), 311-319.
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Application of GIS to agricultural water demands and analysis of agricultural pollution.
Zhang, Minghua, & Gou, Y. (1999). Review of China Agricultural Science and Technology, 1(3), 110-115.
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Approaches to refining pesticide risk assessments - the spatial estimation of potential leaching risk
Zhang, Minghua, Wadley, A., Hendley, P., Lane, M., & Hayes, S. (1999). Pesticide Science, 55(2), 217-218.
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Geostatistical scaling of canopy water content in a California salt marsh
Sanderson, E. W., Zhang, M., Ustin, S. L., & Rejmankova, E. (1998). Landscape Ecology, 13(2), 79-92.
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Assessing groundwater nitrate contamination for resource and landscape management
Zhang, M, Geng, S., & Smallwood, K. S. (1998). Ambio, 27(3), 170-174.
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Nitrate contamination in Tulare County, California
Zhang, Minghua, Geng, S., & Smallwood, S. (1998). AMBIO, 27, 170-174.
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Quantifying the agricultural landscape and assessing spatio-temporal patterns of precipitation and groundwater use
Zhang, Minghua, Geng, S., & Ustin, S. L. (1998). Landscape Ecology, 13(1995), 37-53.
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Pesticide Occurrence in Groundwater in Tulare County, California
ZHANG, M., GENG, S., USTIN, S. L., & TANJI, K. K. (1997). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 45(2), 101-127.
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Monitoring Pacific Coast Salt Marshes Using Remote Sensing
Zhang, M., Ustin, S. L., Rejmankova, E., & Sanderson, E. W. (1997). Ecological Applications, 7(3), 1039-1053.
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A method of selecting parental wheat lines for directional breeding purposes.
Hu, B. M., Zhang, Q. D., Zhang, M. H., & Shu, G. (1990). Acta Agronomica Sinica, 16(4), 357-363.
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PUR Citations
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