Yuzhou Luo
Environmental Scientist
Department of Pesticide Regulation
California Environmental Protection Agency
Associate Hydrologist in the A.E.S.
Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources
University of California, Davis
- Ph.D., Environmental Engineering (2006), University of Connecticut,
Storrs, CT
- Dissertation: Multimedia environmental modeling of chemical dynamics at watershed scale
- M.S., Natural Resources in Air, Water, and Soil (2002), University of
Connecticut, Storrs, CT
- Thesis: Atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Connecticut, USA
- B.Eng., Environmental Engineering (2000), Tsinghua University, Beijing,
- Thesis: Component-based GIS technology and its application
Research Interests
- Impact of climate change on water resources, environmental quality, and crop production
- Hydrologic modeling and mass transport modeling
- Geostatistical simulation and probabilistic analyses
- Integrated risk assessments for human health and ecosystem at watershed
Professional Experiences
- 10/2009-present, Environmental Scientist, Department of Pesticide Regulation, California Environmental Protection Agency
- 10/2009-present, Associate Hydrologist in the A.E.S., Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources, University of California, Davis
- 01/2007-10/2009, Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources, University of California, Davis
- 09/2006-12/2006, Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Biological System Engineering, Washington State University
- 09/2002-08/2006, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut
- 09/2000-08/2002, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Natural Resources Management and Engineering, University of Connecticut
Teaching Experiences
- 2007 and 2009, Associate Instructor, Environmental Analysis with GIS (HYD182), University of California, Davis
- 2003-2006, Associate Instructor, Meteorology (NRME241), University of Connecticut
- 2000-2001, Teaching Assistant, Engineering Hydrology (CE267), University
of Connecticut
Affiliations and Services
- Memberships: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); American Chemistry Society (ACS); American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- Committees: Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP); California Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Science Program Technical Advisory Panel (TAP)
- Peer Reviewer for more than 20 scientific journals
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- Luo, Y., F. Spurlock, W. Jiang, B.C. Jorgenson, T.M. Young, J. Gan, S. Gill, K.S. Goh, 2013. Pesticide washoff from concrete surfaces: literature review and a new modeling approach, Water Research, 47(9): 3163-3172
- Luo, Y., D.L. Ficklin, X. Liu, M. Zhang, 2013. Assessment of climate change impacts on hydrology and water quality with a watershed modeling approach. Science of the Total Environment, 450-451(2013):72-82
- Wang, Z., Y. Luo, X. Zhu, R. Wang, W. Li, M. Zhang, 2013. Watershed modeling of surface water-groundwater interaction under projected climate change and water management in the Haihe River basin, China. British Journal of Environment and Climate Change, A Special Issue in Honor of Distinguished Professor Miguel A. Mariño: Modeling Approaches to Study Climate Change Impacts on Water and Environmental Systems, 3(3), 421-443
- Wang, Z., Y. Luo, M. Zhang, J. Xia, 2013. Quantitative evaluations of sustainable development and Eco-Environmental Carrying Capacity in water-deficient regions: A case study in the Haihe River Basin, China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, in press
- Luo, Y., F. Spurlock, S. Gill, K.S. Goh, 2012. Modeling complexity in simulating pesticide fate in a rice paddy, Water Research, 46(19):6300-6308
- Luo, Y., D.L. Ficklin, M. Zhang, 2012. Approaches of soil data aggregation for hydrologic simulations. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465: 467-476
- Ficklin D.L., Y. Luo, M. Zhang, 2012. Climate change sensitivity assessment of streamflow and agricultural pollutant transport in California’s Central Valley using Latin hypercube sampling. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9386
- Ficklin D.L., Y. Luo, and M. Zhang, 2012. Watershed modelling of hydrology and water quality in the Sacramento River watershed, California. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9222
- Ficklin, D.L., Y. Luo, I.T. Stewart, E.P. Maurer, 2012. Development and application of a hydroclimatological stream temperature model within SWAT, Water Resource Research, 48, W01511
- Liu, X., D. Zhang, Y. Luo, C. Liu, 2012. Spatial and temporal changes in aridity index in northwest China: 1960 to 2010. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 109(1-2), DOI:10.1007/s00704-012-0734-7
- Liu, X., C. Liu, Y. Luo, M. Zhang, 2012. Dramatic decrease in streamflow from the headwater source in the central route of China's water diversion project: climatic variation or human influence? Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, 117, D06113
- Liu, X., Y. Zhan, Y. Luo, M. Zhang, S. Geng, J. Xu, 2012. Almond organophosphate and pyrethroid use in the San Joaquin Valley and their associated environmental risk. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 12(7):1600-1078
- Luo, Y., W. M. Williams, D. F. Young, H. Watanabe, J. Boulange, A. M. Ritter, T. K. Phong, 2011. Modeling Approaches for Pesticide Exposure Assessment in Rice Paddies. In: (Eds.) K.S. Goh, B.L. Bret, T.L. Potter, J. Gan, Pesticide Mitigation Strategies for Surface Water Quality. American Chemical Society Symposium Series Volume 1075, 203-226.
- Luo, Y., F. Spurlock, X. Deng, S. Gill, and K.S. Goh, 2011. Use-exposure relationships of pesticides for aquatic risk assessment, PLoS ONE, 6(4): e18234
- Luo, Y. and M. Zhang, 2011. Environmental modeling and exposure assessment of sediment-associated pyrethroids in an agricultural watershed. PLoS ONE, 6(1): e15794.
- Liu, X., Y. Luo, D. Zhang, M. Zhang, C. Liu, 2011. Recent changes in pan-evaporation dynamics in China, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L13404
- Wang, Z., Y. Luo, C. Liu, J. Xia, and M. Zhang, 2011. Spatial and temporal variations of precipitation in Haihe River Basin, China: Six Decades of Measurements. Hydrological Processes, 25: 2916-2923
- Wang, Z., X. Zhu, W. Li, Y. Luo, and M. Zhang, 2011. A coupled surface-water / groundwater model for Haihe River Basin (in Chinese). Progress in Geography, 30(11), 1345-1353
- Gatzke, S.E., D.E. Beaudette, D.L. Ficklin, Y. Luo, A.T. O’Geen, and M. Zhang, 2011. Aggregation strategies for SSURGO data: Effects on SWAT soil inputs and hydrologic outputs. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 75(5), 1908-1921
- Luo, Y. and M. Zhang, 2010. Spatially distributed pesticide exposure assessment in the Central Valley, California, USA. Environmental Pollution, 15(5):1629-1637
- Han, Z., Y. Luo, Z. Wang, M. Zhang, 2010. Impact of land use on input and export of nitrogen of watersheds, a case study in San Joaquin Valley, CA (in Chinese). Progress in Geography, 29(9): 1081-1086
- Ficklin, D.L., Y. Luo, E. Luedeling, S.E. Gatzke and M. Zhang, 2010. Sensitivity of agricultural runoff to rising levels of CO2 and climate change in the San Joaquin Valley watershed of California. Environmental Pollution, 158(1): 223-234
- Li, Y., S. Dong, C. Wang, X. Deng, Q. Gao, X. Li, Y. Luo, and X. Yang, 2010. Impact of irrigation and other inputs on farm productivity in the upper and middle parts of the Yellow River basin, China. Frontiers of Earth Science, 4(3): 345-356
- Luo, Y. and M. Zhang, 2009. Management-oriented sensitivity analysis for pesticide transport in watershed-scale water quality modeling. Environmental Pollution, 157(12): 3370-3378
- Luo, Y. and M. Zhang, 2009. Multimedia transport and risk assessment of organophosphate pesticides and a case study in the northern San Joaquin Valley of California. Chemosphere, 75(7):969-978
- Luo, Y. and M. Zhang, 2009. A geo-referenced modeling environment for ecosystem risk assessment: organophosphate pesticides in an agricultural dominated watershed. Journal of Environmental Quality, 38(2): 664-674
- Ficklin D.L., Y. Luo, and M. Zhang, 2009. Climate change sensitivity assessment of a highly agricultural watershed using SWAT. Journal of Hydrology, 374 (1-2): 16-29
- Luo, Y., X. Zhang, X. Liu, D. Ficklin, and M. Zhang, 2008. Dynamic modeling of organophosphate pesticide load in surface water in the northern San Joaquin Valley of California. Environmental Pollution, 156(3): 1171-1181
- Li, X., Y. Luo, Q. Gao, S. Dong, and X. Yang, 2008. Farm production growth in the upper and middle parts of the Yellow River Basin, China, during 1980-1999. Agricultural Sciences in China, 7(3): 344-355
- X. Zhang, X. Liu, Y. Luo, M. Zhang, 2008. Evaluation of water quality in an agricultural watershed as affected by almond pest management practices. Water Research, 42(14): 3685-3696
- Luo, Y., Q. Gao, and X. Yang, 2007. Dynamic modeling of chemical fate and transport in multimedia environment at watershed scale, Part II. Trichloroethylene test case. Journal of Environmental Management, 83(1):56-65
- Luo, Y., Q. Gao, and X. Yang, 2007. Dynamic modeling of chemical fate and transport in multimedia environment at watershed scale, Part I. Theoretical considerations and model implementation. Journal of Environmental Management, 83(1):44-55
- Luo, Y. and X. Yang, 2007. A multimedia environmental model of chemical distribution: fate, transport, and uncertainty analysis. Chemosphere, 66(8): 1396-1407.
- Deng X., Y. Luo, S. Dong, and X. Yang, 2005. Impact of resources and technology on farm production in Northwestern China. Agricultural System, 84(2): 155-169.
- Yang, X., X. Li, Y. Luo, S. Dong, X. Deng, and C. Wang, 2004. Farm production and resources sustainability in Northwest China. In (Ed.) W. Gao and D. Shaw, Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability, SPIE Publications.
- Luo, Y., X. Yang, R.J. Carley, and C. Perkins, 2003. Effects of geographical location and land use on atmospheric deposition of nitrogen in the State of Connecticut. Environmental Pollution, 124(3): 437-448.
- Luo, Y., X. Yang, R.J. Carley, and C. Perkins, 2002. Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen along the Connecticut coastline of Long Island Sound: a decade of measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 36(28): 4517-4528.
- Yu, G. and Y. Luo, 2000. Environmental pollution of semiconductor industry and cleaner production. Environmental Protection, 8: 36-37.
Updated: November 20, 2013