Ph.D. in Hydrologic Sciences
B.C.E. in Environmental Engineering
Exchange Student in Environmental Science and Management
American Geophysical Union (AGU), American Chemical Society (ACS)
Chen, H., Y. Luo, C. Potter, P. Moran, M. Grieneisen, and M. Zhang (2017). Modeling pesticide diuron loading from the San Joaquin watershed into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta using SWAT. Water Research 121: 374:385
Chen, H., X. Zhang, C. DeMars, and M. Zhang (2017). Numerical simulation of agricultural sediment and pesticide runoff: RZWQM and PRZM comparison. Hydrological Processes 1-13
Zhan, Y., Y. Luo, X. Deng, H. Chen, M. Grieneisen, X. Shen, L. Zhu, and M. Zhang (2017). Spatiotemporal prediction of continuous daily PM2.5 concentrations across China using a spatially explicit machine learning algorithm. Atmospheric Environment 155: 129-139
Chen, H., M. Grieneisen, and M. Zhang (2016). Predicting pesticide removal efficacy of vegetated filter strips: A meta-regression analysis. Science of the Total Environment 548–549: 122-130
Zhang, Y., C. Xian, H. Chen, M. Grieneisen, J. Liu, and M. Zhang (2016). Spatial interpolation of river channel topography using the shortest temporal distance. Journal of Hydrology 542: 450-462
Yang, W., M. Grieneisen, H. Chen, and M. Zhang (2015). Reduction of crop diversity does not drive insecticide use. Journal of Agricultural Science 7: 1-16
Chen, H., and H. Chang (2014). Response of discharge, TSS, and E. coli to rainfall events in urban, suburban, and rural watersheds. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 16: 2313-2324
Chen, H., Y. Luo, and M. Zhang (2017). Modeling pesticide loadings from the San Joaquin watershed using SWAT. American Chemical Society National Meeting.
Chen, H., and M. Zhang (2016). Modeling pesticide loadings from the San Joaquin watershed into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta using SWAT. America Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Bubenheim, D., H. Chen, and M. Zhang (2016). Watershed-scale modeling of land-use and altered environment impacts on aquatic weed growth in the Delta. Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference.
Chen, H., M. Grieneisen, and M. Zhang (2016). A meta-regression model for predicting the efficacy of vegetated filter strip. Surface-Water Pesticide Collaborative Research Annual Meeting.
Chen, H., Y. Luo, and M. Zhang (2015). Modeling pesticide removal efficacy of vegetated filter strip (VFS). Surface-Water Pesticide Collaborative Research Annual Meeting.
Guest Speaker, Survey of Hydrologic Sciences
Teaching Assistant and Guest Speaker, GIS and Environmental Modeling
Teaching Assistant, Field Methods in Hydrology