Dylan E. Beaudette
University of California Davis
Undergraduate Senior
Major in Environmental Resource Science (Remote Sensing / GIS Option)
Minor in Japanese
debeaudette @ ucdavis.edu
Current Projects
# Website and server for the Common Mycorrhizal Network project.
# {Linux / PHP / MySQL} based volunteer management system for the Mondavi Center at UC Davis.
# Data processing, and GIS analysis: trends in pesticide use in California (AGIS Lab at UC Davis.)
# Map translation project for UCD Japanese Dept: (Aramasu, Taku. The Land of Silence) (『沈黙の大地』、新正卓)
# Visualization of thematic maps using open source software.
# GRASS Newsletter
# Working with soil survey data in MySQL
Research Interests
# GIS / remote sensing / data collection techniques and their application to environmental science and agriculture.
# Building database driven systems for the collection, analysis, and visualization of data using open source software.
# The utilization of the above systems in the fields of soil science, ecology, atomospheric science, environmental science, and agriculture.
Other Interests
# Programming and text processing using PHP, awk, sed, AppleScript , and bash
# Geostatistics with GRASS and R
# Database design and programming using MySQL
# UNIX / Linux system administration
# Japanese text processing
# Microcontroller programming
# Robotics and AI
# Electronics / Amateur Radio
# Alternative energy sources
# High speed railway systems
# Hobie Cat sailing
# My resume
# Thematic Map Overlays with POVRAY
# Working with SSURGO / STATSGO data in MySQL
# AGIS Lab at UC Davis
# Personal website
# Davis Surf Club
# Small Scale Information Servers with Open Source Software and Recycled Hardware
# Some notes on installing Linux on older PPC-based hardware
![Nozomi Super Express: Kyoto Station Japan Nozomi Super Express: Kyoto Station, Japan](nozomi.jpg)
![Hikari Super Express Hikari Super Express](hikari.jpg)